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Bellizio & Igel, PLLC is a New York City law firm which advises entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes in a variety of industries such as technology, media, entertainment and the arts.

News & Articles Blog

Open Source Fashion Community Mixer

Brian Igel

We are pleased to be contributors to Open Source Fashion, an engaging community of fashion professionals focused on education and collaboration. As contributors, we were invited to attend the inaugural event for contributors, where we could all get to know each other and the rest of the community. Here’s a couple of pictures of us from the event courtesy of Justin Lee Images:

Bellizio & Igel with Elisabeth from Bag The Habit

B&I with Pavan and Alex of OS Fashion and Jose of Olapic.

Group Shot of OS Fashion Contributors


Check out the Open Source Fashion website for articles from us and other contributors, as well as additional pictures from the event.  You can join the community if interested here: