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501 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1203
New York, NY 10017

(212) 873-0250

Bellizio & Igel, PLLC is a New York City law firm which advises entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes in a variety of industries such as technology, media, entertainment and the arts.

Happy Holidays From B&I

Happy Holidays from B&I!

We’d like to take this opportunity to wish our clients, friends, service providers and everyone else we’ve had the pleasure of meeting along the way a happy and healthy New Year.  We look forward to working with you in 2014!


2013 was a great year of accomplishment and recognition for B&I --


Our Speaking Engagements:

Our Honors:

  • SuperLawyers: Partners honored as “Rising Stars” in both Corporate Law and Entertainment Law

  • Authors, The American Bar Association’s Legal Guide to Fashion Design ( (we wrote the chapter on manufacturing)

  • 50+ United States Patent and Trademark Office filings and several international trademark filings

  • Negotiated lucrative design, hosting, endorsement, advertising, talent and license agreements for influencers across an array of specialties

We look forward to lots of success together in 2014!

